
Ariful Haque Subin

A veteran User Experience Designer Frontend Developer

Based in

Dhaka, Bangladesh


Locked Chapters

November 22, 2023 Confessions, Philosophy

Finding someone whose vibe resonates with ours is a rare gift. These people mirror our innermost selves, offering wisdom and respecting our differences. We hate to see them suffer, and when they do, we are always the first ones to offer our shoulders, trying to fix them, striving to ensure they never feel alone.

This often leads us to expect the same. Because it’s natural for humans to hope for reciprocity. Whether it’s in this life or the next, we yearn for acknowledgment, a little pat on the back for our good deeds. Even though most philosophers advise against expecting anything, yet deep down, we still do.

This is when reality hits hard. Things usually go one of two ways from here. Relationships either flourish, providing the expected mutual love and support, or they wither away. The first scenario feels like a dream come true, where everything falls into place, bonds strengthen, and mutual respect blossoms. The second? Well, it’s brutal and soul-crushing. We feel lost, sad, betrayed, and angry at one point. We start wondering if we did something wrong or if they were just faking it the whole time.

Even though we hope for fairness and balance in our interactions with people we think are close to us, sometimes it feels like the scales are tipped against us. Not that I’m a firm believer in karma, but it feels like the karma police have gone rogue, opposing everything we truly deserve.

How we handle these situations reveals our character. We do judge; it’s just part of being human. So, when things go south, we start questioning everything. We keep probing our brain to make sense of what’s happening. We can’t help it. We want closure because otherwise, it leaves this lingering feeling of uncertainty and discomfort, but sometimes, people just aren’t willing to give it. They hardly realize the impact of this unwanted mystery in life on us. And that sucks. So, all we’re left with is judging ourselves or judging them. It starts to feel like we are stuck in limbo.

Right now, I’m stuck in that limbo. I am writing this just to make some sense of it. I’m an ambivert, but an emotional one. I wear my heart on my sleeve. So, I don’t let just anyone into my life. The ones who make it in are special, each in their own way. And when one of these people walks away without a valid reason or explanation, it breaks me. I usually try to keep my distance from people, scared of getting hurt, but it still happens. And it messes with my head, making me question everything and blame myself. It doesn’t help being an overthinker and someone with an above-average IQ.

So, here I am, reflecting on life’s challenging realities and what I have realized from all my interactions with people. I wish everyone could find closure in similar scenarios, but according to my best friend, not everyone’s good at providing closure. And most people just don’t want to deal with it. Guess he’s right.