
Ariful Haque Subin

A veteran User Experience Designer Frontend Developer

Based in

Dhaka, Bangladesh


Dancing with Darkness

March 2, 2023 Confessions, Philosophy Abyss

Inner Voice: “That’s not the answer. I’ve been to a really dark place before. It felt like I was standing at the edge of the void and it seemed so inviting.”

Subconscious: “The void can be all-consuming. It’s sometimes easier to give in to that scary feeling than to keep fighting it.”

Inner Voice: “I get why it’s tempting, but we can’t give up. We need to keep going, even if it’s really hard.”

Subconscious: “It’s tough to keep going when it feels like everything is pushing me down. Sometimes it feels like the darkness is my only ally, silently watching but not judging me.”

Inner Voice: “I know, but what if there’s more to life than just feeling this way”

Subconscious: “I don’t think there’s anything beyond the darkness. It seems like a pointless search.”

Inner Voice: “So, if we were lost in a pitch-black cave, with no way of knowing which way to turn. Would you have just stood there?”

Subconscious: “And what if there’s actually no way out? What if I’m just moving in the dark, looking for a light that isn’t there?”

Inner Voice: “I get it, but we can’t stop. It’s like we’re on a tightrope, balancing on the edge. If we are not careful, we’ll fall into a bottomless pit of darkness.”

Subconscious: “I don’t know if I should keep going because I believe I’ve already fallen inside of it, and every step just takes me deeper and deeper into it.”

Inner Voice: “We can’t let the darkness consume us. We should keep moving forward. It’s the only way to escape this endless cycle of despair.”

Subconscious: “You and I are not the same, you are welcome to think differently but I think there’s no escape. I might wander in this darkness forever; maybe I have grown fond of it.”